Carolina Smoke Raises $17,000 for Officer Jonathan Shoop’s family

In a heartbeat sleepy downtown Bothell turned into a combat zone and amidst a pedestrian being run down and a gun fight we tragically lost Bothell Police Officer Jonathan Shoop and sent Officer Mustafa Kumcur to Harborview Medical with multiple wounds. Once more, our public servants will put on their dress uniforms and listen to mournful bagpipes say goodbye. We believe it is not enduring a tragedy that defines a community, but rather the way we love and support each other in it’s gloomy aftermath that speaks to who we truly are.Which brings us to the fundraiser organized in a weeks time by Bothell BBQ legend David Hayward of Carolina Smoke… his response to tragedy is always love and his question is always, “What can I do to help?”Dave’s answer was to stay up all night Friday to smoke a thousand pounds of pork and beef, cook 400 pounds of beans and slice case after case of cabbage for coleslaw in order to donate every penny collected on Saturday to the fallen officers. Our communities response was to buy it all with presale and carry out in an hour. Not satisfied with this victory, Dave’s response was to donate more meat and send folks to the store for every head of cabbage not firmly nailed down and add smoked hot links to the menu. The result was he raised over 10,000 dollars.In addition to several employees of Carolina Smoke volunteering their time and talent, multiple other businesses and individuals helped with this successful fundraiser including: Woods Coffee, Yakima Fruit, Double D Meats, Franzs Bakery, Pepsi, Fleet Services of Everett, Golden Steer Meats, WA State Patrol Officers Wives, Salmon for Soldiers Serving Crew, Greg Garat and the Woodinville Firefighter’s Benevolent Fund and Marine Corps Veteran Kyle brought his Vet Chef Food Truck and donated all his proceeds.Thank you for asking Dave, even though I explained to you that I wasn’t a professional photographer or editor, I am honored that I had the pleasure to attend and capture this amazing event. If you want to donate you can through the Woodinville Firefighters Benevolent fund.💙

Posted by Dani Holmes-Moag on Sunday, July 26, 2020

In a heartbeat sleepy downtown Bothell turned into a combat zone and amidst a pedestrian being run down and a gun fight we tragically lost Bothell Police Officer Jonathan Shoop and sent Officer Mustafa Kumcur to Harborview Medical with multiple wounds. Once more, our public servants will put on their dress uniforms and listen to mournful bagpipes say goodbye.

We believe it is not enduring a tragedy that defines a community, but rather the way we love and support each other in it’s gloomy aftermath that speaks to who we truly are.

Which brings us to the fundraiser organized in a weeks time by Bothell BBQ legend David Hayward of Carolina Smoke… his response to tragedy is always love and his question is always, “What can I do to help?”

Dave’s answer was to stay up all night Friday to smoke a thousand pounds of pork and beef, cook 400 pounds of beans and slice case after case of cabbage for coleslaw in order to donate every penny collected on Saturday to the fallen officers. Our communities response was to buy it all with presale and carry out in an hour. Not satisfied with this victory, Dave’s response was to donate more meat and send folks to the store for every head of cabbage not firmly nailed down and add smoked hot links to the menu. The result was he raised over 10,000 dollars.

In addition to several employees of Carolina Smoke volunteering their time and talent, multiple other businesses and individuals helped with this successful fundraiser including: Woods Coffee, Yakima Fruit, Double D Meats, Franzs Bakery, Pepsi, Fleet Services of Everett, Golden Steer Meats, WA State Patrol Officers Wives, Salmon for Soldiers Serving Crew, Greg Garat and the Woodinville Firefighter’s Benevolent Fund and Marine Corps Veteran Kyle brought his Vet Chef Food Truck and donated all his proceeds.

Thank you for asking Dave, even though I explained to you that I wasn’t a professional photographer or editor, I am honored that I had the pleasure to attend and capture this amazing event.

If you want to donate you can through the Woodinville Firefighters Benevolent fund.

~ Dani Holmes-Moag

Carolina Smoke will be closed this Sunday and Monday, Sept. 2nd and Sept 3rd in order to give the employees of Carolina Smoke time off for all the hard work they do during the year. Thank you all for your business. We will be open again on Tuesday, Sept. 4th. Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!